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- “2024西派会(第七届医药创新生态大会)”
- “2024第三届多肽与核酸药物产业发展创新论坛”
- “中国药科大学苏州校友会成立大会暨首届CPU苏州校友年会”
- “19th Annual Drug Discovery Chemistry”
- “AACR Annual Meeting 2024”
- “2024 Spring Symposium”
- “Swiss Biotech Day 2024”
- “Nordic Precision Medicine Forum”
Optimizing Small Molecules for Tomorrow’s Therapeutics
Medicilon offers comprehensive drug discovery services, including medicinal and synthetic chemistry alongside biology expertise. We help pharmaceutical, biotech, and academic researchers overcome challenges in discovering and optimizing small molecule drug candidates. In the early stages, companies often leverage the FTE model to synthesize structural fragments and candidate compounds, accelerating drug screening. Medicilon provides all-encompassing chemistry research services across all project stages, with both FFS and FTE models for your flexibility. We extensively utilize cutting-edge drug discovery technologies like AI, PROTAC, and ADC technology to efficiently advance your projects, control costs, and ensure superior quality.
CGT Asia潜心深耕细胞与基因治疗行业,助力科研发展,为促进产业上下游融合、科技成果转化,历届CGT Asia紧跟行业动态与科研进展,共汇聚了来自15个不同国家2539家知名企业的6616位专业嘉宾,来自行业重量级专家的141个核心演讲主题及干货内容分享,近300家头部赞助单位以及100多家行业合作媒体。
以此为基,由谈思生物主办,上海市生物医药产业促进中心和中国医药生物技术协会皮肤软组织修复与重建技术分会(TCMRR)作为支持单位的亚太区CGT行业标杆会议-CGT Asia 2024 第五届亚洲细胞与基因治疗创新峰会和3DCC 第二届3D细胞培养与类器官研发峰会将于2024年4月2日-3日在上海隆重召开。
The AACR Annual Meeting is a premier gathering for cancer researchers, where groundbreaking advances in cancer science and medicine are shared. Medicilon is thrilled to exhibit at this crucial event.
Meet Dr. Qingcong Lin, President of Medicilon USA Corp. and Dr. Wenjie Li, Vice President of the CMC Unit at Medicilon
Dr. Lin brings nearly 40 years of experience in pharmaceutical R&D, making significant contributions to both academia and the global industry. Visit him at Medicilon booth #4021 to discuss your research needs.
With nearly three decades in pharmaceutical R&D management, Dr. Li has deep expertise in drug development, including CMC services and CRO/CDMO management, accumulating rich experience and profound knowledge.
Unparalleled Expertise in Immuno-Oncology
Medicilon boasts over 370 tumor evaluation models. We're at the forefront of immuno-oncology research, actively supporting the evaluation and development of innovative therapies like CAR-T, TCR-T, and more.
作为国内生物制药圈重要的展示交流平台,BioCon China Expo 2024 第十一届国际生物医药技术展览会 将于2024年4月10-11日在北京举办。
大会邀请到了发改委、中国生物技术发展中心、PIC/S、前CDE、前FDA、中检院等多国内外监管方代表;辉瑞、拜耳、默沙东、阿斯利康、百事美施贵宝、罗氏、强生、诺和诺德、武田等MNC代表;恒瑞、复星医药、华东医药、华润医药、齐鲁、君实、百济神州、和黄药业、绿叶制药、康哲药业、信达生物、中源协和等大药企代表;礼来亚洲、倚锋资本、鼎晖投资、君联资本、幂方资本、启明创投、约印医疗、政府产业等投资人代表加盟BioCon Expo 2024。
Over the past couple of decades, ADCs have revolutionized the field of cancer chemotherapy. Unlike conventional treatments that damage healthy tissues upon dose escalation, ADCs utilize mAbs to specifically bind tumor-associated target antigens and deliver a highly potent cytotoxic agent. The synergistic combination of mAbs conjugated to small-molecule chemotherapeutics, via a stable linker, has given rise to an extremely efficacious class of anti-cancer drugs with an already large and rapidly growing clinical pipeline.
The combination of large and small molecule aspects in an ADC poses significant challenges to the disposition scientist in describing the ADME properties of the entire molecule. In this presentation, Dr. Chunlin Chen will review the ADC landscape and the DMPK properties of successful ADCs with Medicilon strategy & experience for dual filing of ADC IND to US FDA & China NMPA, and provide a perspective of how the field can further facilitate the R&D of these important therapeutic modalities.
During the NJDMDG 2024 Spring Symposium, Dr. Chunlin Chen, Founder&CEO at Medicilon will give this wonderful presentation.
【BIOLIGN Conference Suzhou 2024】—生物医药领创者大会2024· 苏州站即将召开!2000+行业专家同仁、120+位大咖发言嘉宾、500+家药企&新药研发企业&科研院校等机构将于4月16日-17日齐聚苏州,邀您共襄行业合作盛会!此次大会以“启航新征程,创新向未来”为主题,聚焦ADC/新型抗体药物、细胞基因治疗、小分子创新药主题,探讨创新药的商业化落地与出海最新进展、新药差异化研发和前沿技术,分享临床前研发、临床开发与应用、工艺创新和新型合作成功实践。立足当下,放眼未来,BIOLIGN 生物医药领创者大会将与您一起共启创新未来,共为医药产业高质发展!
The Swiss Biotech Day is a premier biotechnology conference in Europe, attracting professionals from the global life sciences community. In 2024, it will once again provide a platform for networking, engaging discussions, and the exploration of advancements in R&D, manufacturing, data management, artificial intelligence, and innovative financing. International biotech delegations use the “Global Village” to strengthen their ties with Switzerland as a biotech hub and promote cross-border investments, public-private partnerships, research and development collaborations and exchange of talent.
Nordic Precision Medicine Forum brings four tracks under one roof. The multi topic forum is dedicated to advancing the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease across the Nordics. Bringing together those leading the move towards more personalised approaches, Nordic Precision Medicine Forum is considered the meeting for the region.
Benefiting from insight on Nordic and international initiatives, attendees of Nordic Precision Medicine Forum will have the opportunity to come together, ask questions, problem solve and network with key opinion leaders in Precision Medicine and the fields of oncology and pathology.
Medicilon is excited to attend and exhibit at the conference. Dr. Jian Liu, president of drug discovery and CMC divisions at Medicilon, will be available at the conference. We look forward to greeting you in Stockholm!
2024年4月25-26日,InnoXBio2024生物医药产业生态圈系列大会暨首届小分子药物研究与开发论坛将于南京召开。大会聚焦生物标志物与转化医学、“不可成药”靶点、肿瘤与非肿瘤小分子药物开发、ADC偶联技术、License In & Out等话题,邀请70+大咖讲者与1000+行业专家,一同探索,共谋产业发展。
为配合国家飞行检查及 2023 版《GMP 指南》、《药品管理法》、《疫苗管理法》、《药品检查管理办法》、《药品生产监督管理办法》、《药品上市后变更管理办法》的宣贯培训工作,进一步提升药品质量人员的管理能力,建立与完善质量体系,深入了解新政下相关法规要求与工作流程及重点,掌握最新技术应用,搭建药品质量管理与控制专业技术人才学术交流和信息共享的桥梁,促进我国药品质量控制技术发展水平可持续创新。由中国社科院工经所食品药品产业发展与监管研究中心指导、北京中培科检信息技术中心主办的“2024 制药行业质量控制技术大会(CPQC-南京站)暨会后专题培训班,将于 4 月 26-27 日在南京举办。