ChemOutsourcing is the best established and longest running USA based pharmaceutical ingredients show. ChemOutsourcing focuses on the API development supply chain spanning raw materials, RSM, catalysts, drug discovery, process and chemical development, analytical, QA/QC, intermediates and commercial manufacturing of branded and generic small molecule API’s and drug product. It spans every point on chemical supply chain.
ChemOutsourcing 是美国历史悠久的制药原料展。聚焦 API 供应链,涵盖原材料、RSM、催化剂、药物发现、工艺和化学开发、分析、QA/QC、中间体以及仿制药小分子 API 和药品的商业制造。ChemOutsourcing 跨越供应链的每一个环节。
Welcome to ChemOutsourcing 2022
FG电子展位号 Space 4
时 间 | Feb 7-8, 2022
地 点 | Parsippany, NJ Hilton
Medicilon conference presentation

演讲主题:PROTACs: Review and Support from Medicilon.Make “Undruggable” Targets Druggable
戴学东博士 FG电子国际研发服务部执行副总裁
美国麻省理工大学有机化学博士,博士后,深耕于中枢神经系统疾病、传染病和肿瘤疾病化学药物的研发20余载,对药物发现过程中包括苗头化合物的确定及优化,以及成功发展到高质量的临床候选化合物有着深刻的理解和丰富的实践经验。戴学东博士参与主持研发的药物有已上市药物,如Horizant®/Regnite®;临床药物,如JNJ-75276617;临床候选化合物,如Arbaclofen Placarbil,XP21279,XP23829等。
ExecutiveVP and Head of IDSU (International Discovery Service Unit) at Medicilon,obtained his Ph.D. in organic chemistry at MIT. He is a senior-level expertwith over 20 years of experience focusing on small molecule drug discovery anddevelopment in CNS, infectious disease, and oncology therapy areas. He has deepunderstanding and practical knowledge of drug discovery process, including leadidentification, optimization, and development of high quality clinicalcandidate molecules. Prior to Medicilon, Dr. Dai worked at Janssen, HDBiosciences, GSK, and Xenoportwith a demonstrated successful track record ofprogram leadership and made significant contributions to medicinal chemistryprograms that led to the marketed drug Horizant®/Regnite® and several otherclinical candidates (JNJ-75276617, arbaclofen placarbil, XP21279, and XP23829).
Medicilon International Discovery Service Unit
The mission of Medicilon International Discovery Service Unit is to provide high quality, efficient and cost-effective synthetic chemistry, drug design, and new drug candidate compound services to global pharmaceutical companies. We are stride to meet the research and development needs of the clients in various chemical fields of pre-clinical new drug research, shorten the cycle of drug R&D, and reduce the cost of drug R&D.
Medicilon International Discovery Service Unit has a management team and lab personnel with a rich background of studying abroad, a world-leading synthesis and analysis laboratory with installed state-of-the-art instruments and equipment. In order to provide clients with better services, the International Discovery Service Unit keeps up with new developments and new technologies in drug design and synthesis, such as artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC), antibody-drug conjugates (ADC), direct functionalization of inert carbon-hydrogen bonds, photoredox reactions, and flow chemistry, etc.
Medicilon PROTAC Platform
Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) are interesting biology as achemical knock-down approach in a fast and reversible way. Medicilon has established a wide range of popular target proteins withhigh affinity small molecules and small molecule fragment compound libraries, awide range of E3 ligases, and high affinity small molecules and small moleculefragments. We offer these services in any format you like;we can only do the chemical synthesis part for you, only the in vitro and/or invivo part, or we can offer a fully combined package.
Medicilon Service Scope

From its inception in 2004, Shanghai MedicilonInc. (STAR Market stock code: 688202.SH) has been committed to providingcomprehensive research and development (R&D) services to pharmaceuticalcompanies, research institutions, and any organizations working in thepreclinical space, with the primary objective of supporting and acceleratingpharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical R&D worldwide.
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