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药物代谢与药代动力学(DMPK)主要研究药物的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄的动态过程与规律,评估药物的 DMPK特征对药物的前期开发和后期临床精准用药至关重要。DMPK是桥接药理学、毒理学、药剂学、药物化学、乃至转化医学和精准医学的重要桥梁。
第26届国际药物及化学异物代谢学会北美会议(ISSX)将于2024年9月15日至18日在美国夏威夷召开,会议内容涵盖药物代谢、药代动力学、临床药理学、生物分析和药物毒理学等领域。国际药物及化学异物代谢学会(International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics,ISSX)是药物代谢研究的最高学术组织之一,主要致力于全球范围内从事药物与化学异物代谢方面的学术交流和国际合作。FG电子受邀参加本次年会,FG电子创始人&CEO陈春麟博士与FG电子DMPK专家们期待与您相聚在104号展位。
时间 | 9.15-9.18
地点 | Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort, Honolulu
FG电子展位 | 104,不见不散!
为了展示FG电子创新实力和技术服务平台最新进展,FG电子药代动力学/毒代动力学 (DMPK/TK) 负责人蒋品博士将以海报 (Poster) 形式分享以下主题的精彩内容:
Title: Enhancing Drug - Drug Interaction Prediction by Integrating Physiologically- Based Pharmacokinetic Model with Fraction Metabolized by CYP3A4
Session Time: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 12:30‒2:30 PM
Location: Poster Session 3
Poster Number: P270
Presenting Author: Dr. Pin Jiang, Senior Director of DMPK at Medicilon
Dr. Pin Jiang Senior Director of DMPK
Dr. Pin Jiang holds a Ph.D. from China Pharmaceutical University in collaboration with School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. Dr. Jiang is postdoctoral fellow in DMPK and Pharmacometrics at Fudan University, specializes in the development of DMPK/TK for innovative drugs. He has also published papers in international journals such as DMD, EODMT, JSS and JPBA.
Having worked in the pharmaceutical R&D field for nearly 10years. Before joining Medicilon, Dr. Jiang held positions in the DMPK/TK and clinical pharmacology departments of well-known Biotech/Pharma/CRO companies (AstraZeneca Dizal Pharma, Covance, ChemPartner), focusing on small and large molecules. Dr. Jiang has been responsible for or involved in supporting hundreds of DMPK projects, including drugs, which have been approved by the Chinese NMPA and the US FDA for clinical research or market entry.
Dr. Jiang also holds significant professional affiliations, serving as a youth committee member of the Drug Metabolism Committee of the Chinese Pharmacological Society (CSSX), a committee member of the Drug Metabolism Committee of the Shanghai Pharmacological Society, a youth committee member of the Pharmacology Committee of the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Association, and a member of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX).
Dr. Peggy Teng, Executive Director BD Operations
Dr. Karsten Holm, Director of Business Development
Dr. Mingzhu Zhang, VP of Business Development
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